

A metaphor is when someone makes a comparison to between two things that are not alike. When someone compares an animal or an non living object to a person, it's unlikely that the two actually have the same characteristics, it's more of a similarities. For example when someone compares a human to an animal, most of the time they mean that the person has similar characteristics to that animal. There are many different kinds of metaphors. Similes for example is a kind of metaphor that is when someones compares two unlike things using "like" or "as" to relate the unlike thing to another. "You are like a horse", is an example of a simile. Another form of a metaphor is a personification, which is giving human qualities to an animal or object. "The flower swayed like a ballet dancer", is an example of personification, and simile. Anthropomorphism is the kind of metaphor that is used when giving human qualities to an entity that doesn't exist. Most common with gods, and goddesses. "The goddess had such hatred for the human race", is an example of anthropomorphism. Hyperbole is a metaphor that uses exaggeration or overstatement in describing or comparing someone to an unlike thing. "She is big as a whale", is an example of hyperbole. The analogy when someone makes a comparison between two pairs which have the same relationships. "hot is to cold, as fire is to ice", is an example of analogy.

Metaphors are very common in poetry. Dylan Thomas, a famous poet wrote "The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower". In his poem is uses metaphors to ddescribe his emotions. In the third line, in the second stanza he quotes "Drives my green age; that blasts the roots of trees". This is an example of a analogy. Putting two objects that have a similar relationship, in this case it being "roots of trees". He continues on, and in first stanza, in the fourth and fith line, quoting "And I am dumb to tell the crooked rose, my youth is bent by the same wintry fever", which are example of two things. Personification, and analogy. Persionification comes in when he states "I am dumb to tell the crooked rose my youth is bent", giving this "crooked rose human like qualities, as if the rose can respond back in a human form. Analogy comes in when he states "my youth was bent by the dame wintery fever". Usuing "wintery", which is usually a period of coldness, bitter chilling temperatures, and then following that by "fever", which is usually when the temperature of one's body is usually hot. Putting cold & hot together as one, like fire and ice, it was a clear example of analogy. Throughout his poem, there are other examles of metaphors that are used, all in which he uses to describe a certain emotion about someone.

Robert Herrick, another poet wrote "A Meditation for his Mistress", and in the poem there are many examples of metaphors used. In the first line, in the first stanza, he wrote "You are a tulip seen to-day", which is an example of metaphor. As he describes someone to a an unlike object, in this case a tulip. Another example of Robert Herrick using metaphors in his poem is in the second stanza, in which he writes "Yet one rude wind or ruffling shower". Describing the "ruffling shower" as "rude wind". Which is an example of personification, when comparing "wind", and "ruffling". Both from similar relationships, and using both to describe the person who he is talking about. It can also be considered a personification, giving the "wind", and "ruffling shower", a human quality when calling it "rude". Robert Herrick uses metaphors to describe his feelings toward a person he has deep interest in, and though some of the metaphors may not make sense, the message of the poem is pretty clear. His infatuation toward this person is strong, and though it is difficult to hard for him to actually figure out how to express everything he wants to say, he uses objects to describe what he feels.

Emily Dickinson is a famouse poet.
© WilfredoRivera 2010